Thursday, September 24, 2009

We are back!

Hallo God's people!

Lord's Greetings. We thank Him for giving us this new year, the year when there are catalogues of activities to do ahead of us; the year when we should, by any means, see change in the house. The evil is deep rooted in that 'old' house and it is naive to say that it will be easily uprooted. It could be so if its root would have remained dry as we saw in the beginning of the just over summer. It lacked water and its distraction was happening to be true. But since that month of frustration, it worked hard to get revived and invested much to spare its position. Here are some of the activities carried:

1. The most visible measures it took are what we called (in our previous blog) the LIAR: Lessening, Intimidation, Arbiter, Reconcilation. It lessened the case into something caused by 'some trouble makers' who have 'political agenda' and 'wanted to satisfy their economic thirsty' out of the chaos. Quite big amount of money was invested to propagate this point. Working hard to lessen the issue, the 'owners' of the house have also used their muscle to intimidate those who are categorized as 'dangers' of the house.

2. Riding the stage with government officials: much has been said about the involvement of the government in the April's turmoil. There were some who said that government security forces intimidated the fathers in that horrible night. It might be or might not be. We don't know for sure. But this is what we know - the government is reluctant to examine the crime done to the fathers who were running their 'state' (EOTC) in their 'Parlament' (the Holy Synod). They were doing their jobs legally. But something illegal has been done to them. And the government had to act as a responsible body searching for the criminals and put them in court. However we couldn't meet our expectation which may add our suspicion that the government or its part had a hidden hand in that ugly action of that ugly night. The 'house' is benefiting much from all these speculations and suspicions. It keeps using the government's face to intimidate its 'enemies'. Those who were supporting the change movement have been intimidated by either the ninjas or government officials or both.

We saw this stamp of strategy straight out on ETV when the government supported the house with its intimidation of the institution which is called (by many) the hope of EOTC in the 21st century. According to the news, the government officials warned the association that it should respect the law and distant
itself from politics and administration. The news is confusing and we expect it will be clarified either by the association or the government. As usual we might not question if the government warns its citizens or institutions in the country not to touch politics. Because not it is true but that is what we are accustomed with as citizens of that country. But how on earth a government warns an institution to refrain itself from acting within its boundary??? Funny. And till when we are going to see 'Governod' (Governmental Synod)? Where is freedom of religion then???

We hear and read much about this institution called Mahibere Kidusan. Without evaluating its achievements compairing with its potential, no one could deny that this is an institution (built by willing, non-paid, educated youths) which is trying to address the variegated problems of our church. Let alone a bigger faith based institution like Mahibere Kidusan who is playing in the middle of the field, an Orthodox individual will be churned by the today's complicated problems of the church. We hope members of this association know this very well. Given their devoution and eagerness to serve the today's church, their existence in the field might not be useful unless the field is opportune for the game. So they should work hard to make the field okay for the much desired game we want to see our church play in the centuries to come. It is the period for them to be tested. We are hopeful that the management of the association and thousands of its members do not want to see a bigger Orthodox institution while the main body is getting small and in agony to die. So it is the time for the relatively experienced Mahibere Kidusan to start acting to spare our ecclessiastic instituion - bete kihinet. We witness that the association contributed much to spare the church. But now is the time to spare the instituion which plays a significant role to 'kill' the church. The ninjas should be driven out of that instituition so that the house can live its cause!!! Let us joing hands.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is Up?

The answer can be offered in the acronym - LIAR! The house is busy right now doing the following LIAR:

1. Lessening: the ninjas are trying to lessen the gravity of the opposition of the Holy Synod we saw last April. Presenting individuals or institutions as the main architects of the opposition is their strategy in line. They are crying, 'had it not been for the individuals and institutions that misguided the fathers behind the curtain, we couldn't see all the chaos'. Among the institutions under fire is Mahibere Kidusan, a youth association established by the church during the first years of the current Patriarch in office. ( Deje Selam reported their evil move).

My call: put an eye on the main picture and don't be duped with their cuckoo strategy!

2. Intimidation: we cannot believe how the ninjas are intimidating the Archbishops, Priests and laities who, in one way or the other, involved in promoting the change call we heard last spring. But most of the intimidants are strong with a belief that all will be over in October.

My call: give calls to those you think are subjected to this intimidation and express your support to them and the agenda they brought to the table.

3. Arbiter: the ninjas have already selected and trained managers of few dioceses who are going to denounce the fathers who called for change at the General Parish Council to be held in the preceding week of the Assmebly of Holy Synod.

My call: reach the managers of the dioceses where we come from and make your point.

4. Reconciliation: reconciliation too is in their option. There are some who are under pressure to be reconciled with the 'house' and drop their agenda of
change .

My call: yes reconciliation and peace should prevail in the church, the gate to peace. But it should not cost the golden agenda and cannot be considered as long as the ninjas (anti peace and prosperity of the church) are in the house.
