Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cries...distress...desperation - October!

We made and heard too many cries of concern, distress, and desperation! Cries to members of the Holy Synod to save our church from the Ninjas. Distresses for we are scared of the way our church is marching. Desperation because of the bold involvement of external unholy hands in the internal issue of the holy institution, the Holy Church of Jesus Christ. We did all these waiting for this week - the week we hope, pray and excited for that the Heavenly Father do a Miracle and spare His Church from destruction. And here come the week. Today at dusk, the fathers hold the usual prayer for the opening of the Holy Synod General Assembly. They called upon God to be with them in the hall leading their assembly. They were spiritually joined by all the children of the church from cave to metropolis, from monastic huts to well furnished apartments. As created beings, we can't forecast what will come when this much anticipated meeting is over. But this is what we believe. The Almighty will judge against the evil tactics designed (by the enemy), the garbage propaganda Satan circulated (through his agents), the wicked wish enemies of the church are looking for. Our eyes, ears, hearts... are teamed up and sent to that compound. In doing so, we truly cry and ask God for His Divine intervention that we '' we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." Psalm 90:14. Yes we should pray cryin'!!!


Anonymous said...

Amen amen amen.

Anonymous said...

hope to get the day to day development of the meeting.