Friday, July 31, 2009

We need more,,,hurry up

Today we saw another cool declaration from the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches in Germany about the yestermonth turmoil. It is well compiled and articulated. ( We need more of that kind. I feel .. these churches are making sure that their messages are reaching at home especially in the compound where the Ninjas are well sheltered. My surprising is where are the so called 'geleltegna' churches? If they choose to keep on silent, it should be clear for the laities that their reason to chose their path is not because of administrative reasons but something else perhaps business related issue. And I still cry where are 'the World Congree os the followers of EOTC' who came up with a great resolution like

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Slander and Gossips are NOT Helpful!

When the time runs fast taking us to October, it is disappointing to see fellow country men and women trafficking cybers by Scilly slanders and gossips about issues which do not have any role to play when the fathers once again round the holy table in October. It is not helpful at all. I don't have any doubt that every body have no equal understanding of the church problem and can not think equally in search of solutions. The fathers who are ordained to led the church have no equal understanding let alone the ordinary laities. But, I think, there is something which somehow make us agree. The momentum we saw yestermonth will die for another 10 years unless we help to make it alive and lighted in October. So now is the time to execute that heavenly responsibility. It would be wonderful if views of men and men are directed towards solution making proposals.

So here is my further proposal:
Archbishops are in their respective dioceses waiting for the 2 weeks highly awaited fasting time. It will be a good chance for laities to meet the fathers in person. So let us push our parents, relatives, friends to ask them about the issue, to expresses their outrages about the disappointing action of the Ninjas attacking members of the Holy Synod. Let they demonstrate them their commitment that they will stand with them in defending the church. The same should be done to priests in charge of the morethan 25,000 parishes of EOTC.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where is the Online petition????????

I do remember to put my name on a couple of online petition formss about some church related problems - the aged Dier El Sultan Ethiopian Monastery was the one. Why don't some one initiate that campaign so that, by our signature, we can ask the fathers to discuss on the main issues and come up with decisions which will make us happy. Don't tell me that won't add any fuel in the minds of the fathers 98% of whom don't even touched computers let alone know how it brings change. The very information they will be reached about the online campaign will push them to push the issue. So let some one come with his/her expertise of filing the form and distribute among the Orthodoxawuyan in and around the Tech. My answer is simple if one ask me 'what if you do that sir/Madam?'. - I don't know how to make it.

What I miss in the declarations???????

I have nothing more these days that make me happy than reading outrages from different parishes about the turmoil we saw last month in the Patriarchate. I wish all parishes of EOTC both inside and outside Ethiopia send their vexations that we can be blessed with a breath taking news in October. I even wish the so called 'sidetegnaw sinodos' can come back to its heart and send its stand to the Holy Synod demonstrating its willingness to drop its uncomfortable stand and join the mother church if the burning administrative problems can be solved. But I am missing one important point in the declarative papers dispatched yet. The declarations luck one important precondition. I think churches should say like 'if so won't be done in October, we will do so'. Analysing the contents of the declarations, it also look that they were initiated and wrote by the clergies. They miss the footprints of the laities which should had to be bold. Parish councils should organize the laities whom they represent and come up with more declarations!!!!!!! And where are Sunday Schools. We know that there are some strong Sunday Schools Unions. Where are they? Where is the one time Laities Council who once moved us with its fascinating objectives. Where is the 'Alem aqef yemeemenan goubae'?????????? Where are the so called 'geleltegnoch'??? I thought their choice of being neutral was due to the administrative problem the mother church has. So why they stay calm when the issue they badly needed raised in the house? Come on is the time to stand together for the 'emancipation' of our emancipated church. Cry loud so that the 'building' will be abolished.

What I am missing

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Recapping my cries

Dear Orthodoxawuyan,
I read a good wake up call from our Deje Selam today. As I frequently said, we should use our time and empower the fathers that they, in October, can push the most important agenda they could somehow raised last month. We don't have to wait for a wind of gossips and reports to move like we all did last time. This is a time God gave us to intensify the good fight. Let us organize clergies, laities, sunday schools, organizations in our neighbourhoods to come together and stand firm against the evils of our church. When we do so, the fathers will be energized to push the agenda forward and reach at a decision which enable our mother church show us her true beauty. I still believe that the seven question I threw at the eyes of the fathers are not invalid. I paste them here too:

1. የዚህ ቅዱስ ጉባኤ አባላት /ብፁዐን አበው/ ከእንካ ሰላትያ ርቀው የቤተ ክርስቲያሩን ልጆች በሀፍረት አንገታችንን ያስደፉ ልቡናችንን ሲበዘብዙ የሚኖሩ መሠረታዊ ችግሮች ላይ ተወያይተው በመንፈሳዊ ሐሴት እግዚአብሔርን እንድናመሰግን እነሱንም እንድናከብራቸው የሚያደርጉ ውሳኔዎችን በጉጉት እንደምንጠብቅ እንዲረዱ፤ እንደ ተለመደው በኮሚቴ ይጠና ብላችሁ እንዳትቀብሩትና እንዳትቀብሩን፤

2. ሊቃነ ጳጳሳቱ ቤተ ክርስቲያናቸው ሥልጣኑን የሰጠቻቸው ከውስጣዊ ምዝበራና ከውጫዊ ውርወራ እንዲጠብቋት መኾኑን ተገንዝበው ያለምንም ፍርሐትና አድር ባይነት ቀረቡ በተባሉትም ኾነ እነሱ በየማስታወሻቸው በያዟቸው ወቅታዊ የቤተ ክርስቲያን ችግሮች ዙሪያ እንዲከራከሩ

3. ጉባኤው በቤተ ክርስቲያሩ መሠረታዊ የአስተዳደር ችግሮች ላይ ተወያይቶ መፍትሔ ሲሰጥና ቤተ ክርስቲያሩ ተጠያቂነትንና ግልጽነትን ያረጋገጠ አስተዳደራዊ ስልት ስትዘረጋ የጥቅም ጉሮሮአችን ተዘጋ ብለው የሚጮኹ ውሾች በቤተ ክህነቱ ውድማ እንደሚኖሩ አውቀው እዚያ ወርቃማ ውሳኔ ላይ እንዳይደርሱ በግልጽና በስውር የሚያቀብሏቸውን የሐሳብ ተዋሕስያን ይዘው ወደ ተቀደሰው ጉባኤ እንዳይገቡ፤ የሽጉጥ ማስፈራሪያቸውንም ከቁብ እንዳይቆጥሩ፤

4. ውይይታቸውና ውሳኔያቸው ሁሉ የነገውን የቤተ ክርስቲያን ጉዞ የሚያስተካክል እንጂ የትላንትን ስሕተት የሚደግም ወይም ምክንያት የሚሰጥ እንዳይኾን፤

5. የአገሩ መንግሥት ከቤተ ክህነቱ ቅጽር ግቢ ተስፈንጥሮ ወደ ላይ ጉኖ ሲያበቃ የሚነጉደውን ዜና አልሰማም ማለት ጅልነት ስለሚኾን በግልጽም ይሁን በስውር በጉባኤው ላይ እጁን እንዳያሳርፍ፤ ለአባቶቻችን ነጻነት እንዲሰጥ፤

6. ምእመናን አሁን ያሉት ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ያገለግሉን ዘንድ እግዚአብሔር የሾመልን አገልጋዮቻችን እንጂ የቤተ ክርስቲያሩ ባለቤቶች እኛ መኾናችንን ተረድተን ጉዳዩን በጥንቃቄ እንድንከታተለውና ነገ እናገኘው ዘንድ ለምንፈልገው የእናት ቤተ ክርስቲያናችን ሙቀት እውንነት አባቶቻችን በጥንካሬ ተወያይተውና ተከራክረው ጠቃሚ ውሳኔ ላይ እንዲደርሱ በያለንበት ግፊት እንድናደርግ፤

7. የቤተ ክርስቲያሩን የነገ ጉዞ የተቃና እንዲኾን ከልብ የሚመኙና ለዚያም በትጋት የሚሠሩ ግለሰቦች፣ ድርጅቶችና ማኅበራት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ከተጣባት የአስተዳደር ደዌ የምትፈወስበት ጊዜው አሁን መኾኑን ተረድተው እውነት እንድታሸንፍ የቻሉትን ያህል እንዲያደርጉ፤
I believe that all will be answered in October. But I equally believe that unless we do our part, the fathers will neither answer the above listed questions nor fulfil our wishes. So let us do our part defining the problems from general to particular and propose points which we think can be solutions.
will continue..

Friday, July 24, 2009

I can't tell you how I am so happy to hear the outrages from different diaspora (EOTC) churches and fathers against the Ninjas' action of trying to attack the fathers. I pray to hear more outrages. That might be the reason why I stayed out of my corner.
so let me continue:

3. Let us consider the causes of the problem: to have a comprehensive solution for our problems, let us try to explore the ROOT causes of the problem our church is languishing in. Handful of reasons can be listed. Politics, carelessness of the laity i.e. handing over the church to the monks, because of bad players in and around the church, Abba x and Abba y, etc. etc...

4. Let us develop alternative solutions: once we list the causes of the problems, let us draw up a list of feasible alternatives that will meet our needs. Much alternatives can be listed if we put our minds together here or somewhere else.

5. Let us evaluate the listed alternatives and communicate them with the stakeholders (laities, fathers, spiritual associations, Sunday schools, the government, etc)

6. Let us chose the best alternative and implement it: After examining the alternatives on the three conditions listed above, let's select the one which best addresses the problem defined in the first step and LET'S be sure to check that the selected alternative is the one which best meets our objectives and priorities.

These are the steps which, I think, we should follow to meet our objectives. I will continue on how to move forward and realize the steps mentioned above.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

In my private communications with friends and messages addressed to this blog, almost the majority of the people are disappointed by the resolutions the HS(?) came up yesterday after days of strife and harsh dialogue. We all have a reason for that. But as I said yesterday, the problem (administrative) the church inherited since decades is plenty in number and diversified in nature, what we got is satisfactory. Looking closely into the history of the HS under the current Patriarch, what has been achieved (out of the recent turmoil) is significant and satisfactory. We know that most of the members of the HS were speechless when horrible insults were thrown at them and amazingly intimidated by the Patriarch and the Ninjas under him. It is not small achievement for a sleepy lion to bark this loud and bite this small. I hope most of the readers who closely followed the 17 years journey of the HS of the Holy Church will agree with what I am saying. We might be surprised and angered when we hear an ordinary woman openly insult members of the HS as promiscuous people from whom no one can fit to be promoted. This is a normal ritual in the house - graceful fathers are always always always insulted and degraded by women and armed men in the compound. Women have a special place in the house. Armed men are the second. So let us be happy and thankful to the Lord that the sleepy lion has felt alerted. Let us hope that with this alacrity, the lion will crush the Ninjas to a fine and clear the house. Not too long but in October. For that to be true, let us do our assignment as parts of the Church we wish and cry to see her glorious. What are our assignments to be done until October?

1. Let us identify the problems of our church and define them clearly:

In the last 17 years, plenty of people showed up with their own lists and definitions of problems of our church. Different bodies mentioned what they believe are the main problems while the majority tried to define them in a narrower sense. Congreggations shouted, sunday schools cried, associations out voiced what measures should be taken, even some Archbishops started the mob. All ended up in vain. Because the staged problems lucked the representation of the full physique of the giant church. They look to be focused on the head. As to me this prevent the important stake holders from paying attention to other invisible problems. Therefore, let us clearly identify these problems and share each other. For the October General Assembly, we should outline the problems we want to be addressed by the HS and handover them in whatever way. When ever the number of my proposals increase below, the practical question which may come across into our mind will be answered.

2. Let us establish our objectives and priorities:

unless we establish our objectives, nothing will happen out of our cries and clamor. What was our objective to follow the 'concluded' turmoil in the patriarchate? What was our objective to support one idea over the other? What was our objective to discuss the issue with one another? What objective we still have to be achieved sooner or later? We should answer these questions before we engage our selves in the struggle to come. Our objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. But I kindly say this: let's set our objectives as soon as we can but at the same time, let us make sure that the objectives we are to work hard to achieve won't creat more new problems. I think we have to think seriously and identify all the other problems that will be created when the objective we set is achieved. Witness the invention of the atomic bomb. The problem raised to be solved by the time was how to drop 2 million tons of bombs on Japan using the least number of airplanes to accomplish this goal. Prior to the atom bomb, it took 1,000 B-29s to drop 200,000 tons of munitions on a Japanese city. The atom bomb allowed one airplane to do the work of 1,000. This was as far as the thinking went in July of 1945 when the decision was made to nuke Hiroshima and three other Japanese cities. Little did anyone consider that someday atomic bombs could be put in a suitcase and delivered by Federal Express to a city. Frankly speaking, if we are serious and loyal to the church's canon, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church should erase the third (HH Abune Tekle Haymanot) and the fifth (HH Abune Paulos) Patriarches from her Patriarchal history book. Because both were ordained while their predecessors were alive. But let us be lazies and accept our past history as it is. And at the same time, let us commit our selves not to repeat the weakest records of our history. As ordinary children of the church, let us not aim even think of removing the Patriarch from his chair. Let us give that part to those who have the full authority to do that.

hopefully to read different views, yiqoyen for more of my views


Friday, July 17, 2009

All are confirmed!
I think by the resolutions listed, God has given us (children of the church) a big big big assignment which should be accomplished until the coming General Assembly (October). Now is the time to own our church!!!!!!! We should say no for another disappointments, no for the Ninjas to build their fortresses in our house, no for evils. Feeling the pain inside, I am convinced that the resolutions passed by the HS today is for good. It is not easy to clean a junk which has been garbaged for 20+ years by a month long disorganised movement. It should be a revolution which should be planned carefully and execute courageously (collectively). Now comes the time to practice my motto I picked when I start this blog - 'I blog what I feel is better for my Church'. I will post my views which should be considered in the struggle to cleanse the house from the Ninjas. You can also forward your own.
AD21 the conclusion:
* before noon, HS (?) hold a meeting with less number of members. The Patriarch and Abune Samuel were out of the session. The following are the (to be confirmed) resolutions it reached:
- the Executive Committee will stay in action drafting laws and manuals for its further activities until the October General Holy Synod Assembly. Abune Samuel will stay in his secretary (of the Executive Com.) position.
- Abune Samuel will be away from his position as Archbishop of Addis Ababa until the HS will discuss the issue and decide in October. It is not clear who will run the diocese.
-the frightened fathers couldn't get justice from the responsible body.
it is quite clear that the tigers' attack came up with a success. It was designed to make the fathers disappointed or frightened so that the burning question can be changed into an icy story. So now the tigers and their owners have got enough time to design strategies to calm down the fathers for another 15 years.
There is an ongoing meeting now. But details are not fully reached at this blogger. Stay tune.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

No development yet. The fathers preferred to stay in their cells waiting for the government to expel the tigers out of the house. The fathers said that they will continue their meeting once the government jailed all the responsible individuals. But when they continue, they will hold their meeting under the chairmanship of Abune Qerlos not the Patriarch. We don't know the whereabouts of the probe.
What ignited the tigers to attack the fathers?

Basic Cause: as said, it is due to the frustrations that there won't be any raw meat which will cross their throat down to their wide belly. Gluttons!!!!!!!!!

Immediate Cause: [can be called as 'the tale of the HS'] in their yesterday's meeting, the fathers presented one clear question to the Patriarch: 'do you believe in the rules and regulations of the Church?'. The Patriarch replied 'no, I don't!'. The surprised fathers asked, 'why?'. The Patriarch surprisingly replied, 'because it is a rule which you blindly drafted under pitch darkness' [though the fathers seemed not understood what he meant, he might be referring the dergue period - but he is totally wrong as the main rule was not drafted during that period]. The fathers more surprisingly forwarded him further question saying, 'so by what do you believe in as a Patriarch?' The Patriarch replied, 'by Didiscalia'. It was this time that the Patriarch lost almost all of his group. The fathers who were fully supporting him were loud condemning his view. It was this time that the Patriarch surrendered and accepted the decision of the HS to lift the ban he put on the Executive Committee. And the tigers were well aware that the HS is getting the momentum and will have more power to put the ultimate decisions in the meetings to come. So before they die, they had to attack and did what they did...attacking the house, attacking the church Not the fathers really. I will blog what I feel is right to be done here after. Please stay tune.

To briefly inform you what's up right now: the meeting is not started yet, the 'attacked' fathers are more energetic and ready to fight the good fight, Abune Samuel is 'under house arrest', the Patriarchate looks to stop its daily routine (wuha woqeta though), police has started probing and some are said to be arrested, ...


Shame Shame Shame Shame!!!!!!! Shame on all of us! ''My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.'' (Ezkiel 7:22). These tigers were in the house for 17 years making others scared. And now when they started to know that they will be denied of the raw meat here after, they started attacking those who stood against them. The attack has been made on each and everyone of us (children of the Mother Church). We are attacked. Please read the blog Deje-selam. This blogger confirmed all what have been reported in the blog. So here are my proposals:

1. We should stay curious watching what will the government will do.

Our scared fathers have just began their meeting and they are expected to write a letter directly to the Prime Minister for the necessary probe of the case and protection. Their decision is wise as there seem to present a hidden wing in the government which is trying to calm down the fathers from speaking about the evil.

2. But in the meantime, we should believe from our heart that the time has come for the LORD to cast out the thieves and clean His House. (Luke 19:46). Let us pray!!!

3. To make our friends, sunday schools, parents back home aware of the situation. It was believed that the last night's horror could ignite the public to stand and condemn the evil action against the holy fathers. But it is reported that the public's attention is diverted to the court's decision today to free Teddy Afro from one year plus prison.

Staye tune


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

* Abune Samuel was once again stayed under house arrest this afternoon.

* Apart from the verbal and letter warning it sent this morning, the government has decided to push them into a decision by sending three representatives who took part in the Synodal (?) Meeting this afternoon. Almost all members of the four groups discussed in the previous blog took part in the meeting. It is said that the HS (?) listed the most burning agendas first and started tackling them. The first agenda which consumed the whole afternoon was the 'banned' Executive Committee and its fate. It is reported that the HS (?) lifted the ban. The Patriarch agreed with the decision.

* When the second agenda (Abune Samuel and his Diocese) came into line, the majority of the HS (?) members refused to discuss it without the presence of the subject (Abune Samuel). So the agenda is adjourned for tomorrow. Some members of the HS (?) asked the government representatives why security officers put Abune Samuel under house arrest. All of them unanimously replied that they know nothing about it.
The Saga looks to come to an end! Following is the exact whereabouts of the turmoil in that compound which (during HH Abune Basilios) was supposed to be a landlocked sovereign city - state like the Vatican in Rome (Stato della Città del Vaticano):

* we have got four groups out of the one Holy Synod: (1) Extremes - those members who strongly positioned themselves in the stand that the Patriarch should be removed from power and reside in a monastery of his choice and the Executive committee should retain its power and execute the responsibilities it has been given. [this group by itself can be regrouped into two - Conservative Extremes and Liberal Extremes.] ; (2)Patriarch et als: those members who want the business as usual games. The Patriarch should continue excersing his full power, the EC should be eliminated or replaced by other members, the ongoing saga should be stopped and Archbishops should go back to their respective dioceses, ... (3) Power Brokers - those members who want to see the Patriarch on his Chair with a reduced power of administrative influence and the EC to restart its work perhaps with a different members. [The fathers in this side are said to be blackmailed by the Patriarch et als in their wrong doings before and after ordination. So they don't want to be part of the agenda. At a point it is heard that they were expelled out of the meetings of the first group]; (4) Neutrals: there are some 3/4 members who don't want to have a stand. They prefer to stay in a corner where they don't get touched by any of the sides.

* the members who are out of Addis (outside Ethiopia and in the regions) are said to have expressed their stand sending faxes to the office of the HS. The majority are commending the first group.

* the government: Bereket Semeon was quoted to say 'the problem in the church's synod is administrative which is closely watched by the government without any involvement but informing the members to fix the problem they have as soon as they can.' Today (15.07.09) a couple of hours ago, the office of Abay Tsehaye has ordered members of the HS to reach at a decision until this evening and copy their resolutions to the government.

* alerted by that call, the two sides are holding meetings now. It is believed that both will sign their respective resolutions and send the government before the day is over.

* different local media (private newspapers) are extensively reporting the turmoil though some of them look to be off the point and confusing the public with their biased reports and false sources.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The unpredicted nature of the issue is proved. So let us wait filled with hope that the fathers will come up with a decision which will glorify the church after the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

In a situation where things flactuate every hour, and in a Body where the Holy Spirit is Working, we don't have to sit back loosing hope. Let us hope and pray that change will come soon. Painful really, aching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AD21 prefered to hold on until all the visible and invisible waves get calm down.

Cher Wore Yaseman

It looks that every stories are multiplied by zero. The house has once again turned into a Zero Game owning its usual Zero Property of Multiplication. When the half day was over, members of the HS have found themselves in the sum zero game. Sources are telling us that the HS has suddenly changed its mind and teared up the (yesterday's) minute (its gyst was blogged earlier) and wrote another (brief one) stating that things should go as usual. If this is true, Ethiopians were watching their fathers playing a drama anecdoted by some body. Anyway, the laterly composed minute is not signed by the fathers yet, according to sources. Let us hold on.
* Abune Samuel is under house arrest now. It is not clear whether that is done because of the government's intention to protect him from any attack by the siders of HH or not. It is reported that security forces have snatched away the key of the car (from his driver) the Abune uses in his diocese.

* The Holy Synod has passed resolutions but not clear whether all members of the HS signed on the minute or not. Two of the resolutions written in the minute are: Abune Philipos will be the deputy (Enderasie) of HH who will be responsible in leading the church on behalf of the Synod. Abune Qerlos will lead the Meeting in the days to come.

* Representatives of the Holy Synod are expected to give a press conference soon.

* Abune Yishaq (the manager of the Patriarchate) has been removed from the position.

Let us pray!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

For the day's story, read As to Azekiri21, the following are the main developments of the day:
1. HH lost the support of the Manager of the Patriarchate (Abune Yishaq) who served as an agent to defame the EC and Abune Samuel. Sources confirmed that he apologized the HS for the wrong doings;
2. those fathers who were in between the 'camps' have positioned themselves in the 'change' side;
3. the number of the policemen in and around the Patriarchate was almost doubled:
4. HH's health today was not okay.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Members of the HS hold the meeting but short of reaching at a point to discuss the pressing issue which caused the meeting to be called: the EC Vs HH saga! It is said that HH joined the meeting very lately. The most hotly discussed issue was the booklet published by an unknown person defaming Abune Samuel. Most of the Archbishops were angry and unanimously condemned the publication as it is a total treat to monasticism, a deep - rooted ecclesiastical tradition in the country. The number of the archbishops is short of meeting the amount which enable the HS to decide on high level agendas like the one set for. The number of the Archbishops showed up in the Meeting Hall today was, according to some views, intentionally decreased because of an unplanned trip of some Archbishops (HH's siders) to a countryside for 'church service'.
I preferred to stay calm until we hear the result of the Holy Synodal (HS) Urgent meeting. But I am tempted to say the following on the whereabouts of the turmoil just now:

* Members of the Holy Synod (more than 40, including members of the permanent synodal council) have arrived at Addis since Friday.

* as the canon of the church has it, members of the HS should perform the usual prayers one day before the commencement of the Holy Council. When the Office of the HS called for the prayer at Menbere Patryark Qidist Maryam Church, His Holiness (HH) informed the office that he won't take part in the prayer. Reason - he do not accept the meeting to be held as planned (today 07.07.09).

* sources confirmed that HH is well nourished by the wrong information that the HS will remove him from power. Not true, according to reliable sources. But one fact is true: almost 85% of the members of the HS are outrageous about his irresponsible action suspending the Executive Body (EB) the HS has established and the actions he took against Addis Ababa Diocese and its Archbishop. HH know this very well. And he is afraid of the challenge and reproach from the HS.

* the strategy HH (with his ignorant advisers) designed was the idea of involving 'outsiders' in the HS meeting. 'Outsiders': department heads of the patriarchate, dioceses' managers, heads of parishes in Addis and seniors citizens. This is shameful. We know that some selected fathers (monks) used to take part in the meeting in the 1950's and 60's. There were reasons for that. But it was stopped and clearly written in the HS's meeting procedure that no one is allowed (except for reporting purpose) to take part in the HS meetings except Archbishops. This was a poor strategy.

* members of the HS were against that idea. Yesterday, a clear and strong letter was written to HH: if he won't show up and chair the meeting, they will hold the meeting and decide on the agendas presented by the permanent HS council.

* HH understood the strong stand and the zero availability of rooms to win the support of some HS members. And he orally agreed to chair the meeting today. But the night passed and HH came up with a different idea. No, he said.

* Now, the HS meeting is going on with or without the presence of HH.

Predicted outcomes of the meeting:

1. they will postpone the meeting to next week. Because HH's ordinal annual celebration is going to be held on Hamle 5 (in five days). So not to blacken the 'colourful' celebration which observed by diplomats and other dignitaries.

if this will be so as predicted, I fear that many Archbishops will be either tortured (by the gangs in the patriarchate) or lobbied to drop their stand. Because all will stay in the compound of the Patriarchate and dine together with the Patriarch.

2. they will form one body who will be charged to solve the problem between HH vs Abunes Samuel and Timoteos

3. to corner members of the HS, HH is predicted to come up with the idea that he won't keep his position if Abunes Samuel and Timotewos will be kept in the EC.

I don't think the fathers will accept him. But I afraid that the golden one year for this EC to bring change in the church's administration will be ruined by this sort of dialogues which are supposed to be raised by HH and co.

The most excruciating view around the patriarchate today is the enormous amount of men in uniform. Shame!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Dear Readers,

There is a strong belief that the ongoing turmoil in the Patriarchate will bring some changes for the Mother Church. But I know there are dozens who are skeptical about it. But lots of folks are optimists and saying, ‘’Now is the time for change’’. Here are five of the reasons why change is vital out of this visible taut:

1. the ones [in both sides] who’re in the forefront of the clash are from the same region: this closes any attempt to accuse one over the other giving any political color.

2. the government looks to be in favor of the truth i.e. the wing which argues that this church need a better administration. But that doesn’t mean that the other part is free from the touch of the government; not so strong and bold though.

3. the majority of Holy Synod members are said to be in favor of change

4. different bodies (senior citizens, scholars, associations, etc.) are whispered making their stand clear in a tougher way. The exiled fathers are also among these bodies.

5. the patriarch has been informed [by the group who stand against him] that if he won’t cooperate and bring the change in demand, there will come more stories and facts which will put him in danger more than he is now.

Let us hope and pray that the change we desperately need will come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

GL{ dBÄb@ lBi#: wQÇS xb#n ÔWlÖS bXSãM bk#L

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The beginning of the beginnings

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, One God Amen!

Dear Children of the Church,

Having talked to much with friends, run gossips and crush lots of solution making ideas...I found my self addicted with talking (with others) about the all rounded problems of my church - the Ethiopian orthodox Tewahido Church! Not only myself, I also found the number of problems which languishes my church doubled in number and diversified in nature. Therefore, instead of talking to others, I decided to talk to myself now on in this blog. I started blogging about my church. Please pray that I will be in harmony with myself while talking and of course help me and the church taking the Lion's Share through out the journey of this little corner. Azekiri Dingil!