Friday, October 23, 2009

'what we see ... depends ... on what we look for'

There is this saying - what we see and hear depends mainly on what we look for. We were tensioned much thinking about the result of the assemly. And today, we're reached with some news about the result of their first day meeting. The main, perhaps, the only decision made was empowering the leadership of some departments with members of the HS. Let us take this as a positive decision for it, at least from the experiences we see in other sister churches, will help the departments (and in a way the church) perform better. But if we read in between the lines, this decision was agitated to indirectly achieve the goal of keeping the upper hand soon and later. The obvious hypothesis that should come into our mind is - this is done either to destroy the Executive Committee as a body of management or disperse the members of the HS who are and to be entitled in the body; to let their power be confined in the departments they are assigned for. Remeber it was the first team of this body who moved the house and got the ninjas act as crazy and foolish. This fear will be off if they are going to decide to keep the management body they formed. The other gossip is to indirectly corner the HS to accept the quiry of ordaining more bishops who are believed to be loyal memebrs who can balance the pivot. If we remember, the ajenda was unanimously rejected by the HS when it was tabled with the argument that there are enough fathers who can serve the church. Now if these fathers are given departments, it would be easy to convince the HS members that ordaining new bishops is vital.
We pray to see the following accomplishments at the end of this meeting : the Holy Synod gets back its full authority to lead the church; the ninjas who emaciated the church are erradicated from the house; the members of the HS are unified to maintain the honor and grace of the church. Until we see these, we don't have to
enjoy or sit back and say, 'temesgen'. Let us rather pray and do what we can do.


Anonymous said...

tesmamagn yegbanin yahl anbebew..

Anonymous said...

I thought you knew deep enough the characteristic feature of the Ethiopian Church, which is quite different from her "sister" Churches. How on earth could you applaud the designation of a bishop as leader of Sunday School? Let alone such a hasty, unfair and irritating decision, the surrounding problems of which you have pointed out, I resent the occupation of the general managerial office and certain other departments by bishops, the limitation of the authorities of diocesan managers so as to give too wide a space for the power of the bishops, etc.

Where is the place of the Liqawent/Memehran, my brother, in the Church they help survive to this day?

After all, the Church has for centuries been led by the Liqawent--be they monks or Hegaweyan--and the role of the bishops was associated primarily with ordination and related (purely) spiritual issues.

I really feel bad with such an uncomfortable--truly painful--development, especially when I remember the level of education and the spiritual status of most of the members of the HS.

We have to pray, and also to work hard, to save our Church from irresponsible leaders--at whichever level they sit!

azekiridingel said...

2nd Anonymous,
thank you for your thoughtful views. We posted our view aiming at showing the ill advised calculation behind the decision. Let us be attentive following the decisions to come so that we will have enough contexts for analysis and suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking account of what I said and I understand your intention.

As a rejoinder to your call for "reconciliation and peace... [that] SHOULD NOT COST THE GOLDEN AGENDA," I had composed the other day the following ጕባኤ ቃና:-

እንበለ-አበው ቀደምት ወእንበለ-ጽሑፍ መቅለሊ(1)፤
ጽጌ-ወርኀ-ጥቅምት ጽኑሕ ጕባኤ(2)ከመ-ኢይጺእ ንጸሊ(3)።


[በሽምቅም፣ በግልጥም]እየተዘጋጀ ያለው የጥቅምት አበባ/ጕባኤ(2)
ያላባት ያለመጣፍ [ኾኖ ተደርጎ፣ ታይቶ ተሰምቶ በማይታወቅ መልኩ](1)፤ እንዳይገማ፣እንዳይቈንስ እንጸልይ(3)።

I am sorry for my rather pessimistic remark but I can't help expressing what I am now smelling: እየቆነሰኝ ነው!

My sense is that the real issue is still being covered over with a talk--as for me a mere idle talk--of reconciliation.

የእገሌ-ወእገሌ ጠብ-እና-ዕርቅ አዳማቂ ኾነን እስከመቸ? ወዳጄ፦ እኔን የሚያሳስበኝ "በዚኽ ኹሉ ትርምስ ውስጥ የቤተክሲያናችን ጕዳይ እንዴት ፍልቅቅ ብሎ በጕልህ ይውጣ? እንዴትስ በጕዳዩ ግድ የሚለው እና ዘላቂ መፍትሔ ማምጣት የሚችል ኹሉ የሚሳተፍበት ውይይት ይደረግ? እንዴትስ እነኾዳቸው አምላካቸው በየጓዳው የሚያንጎዳጉዱት ሳይኾን ሊቃውንት በጣይ በጕባይ የሚያውጁልን አስተማማኝ ሕግ ይሠራ? ወዘተ." የሚለው ነው።

እሊኽ እና እሊኽን የሚመስሉ ጥያቄዎችን እንድናስብ የሚያሻን ይመስለኛል። የአዘክሪም መድረክ በጥቅምቱ አበባ ሽታ ታውዳ እዚኽ እና እዚያ ሳትናውዝ፤ በዚኽ አግጣጫ ለሚደረግ የስ-በስ ምክክር እንድታግዝ ኾና ብትቀጥል ምኞቴ ነው። የእኔ ጸለምተኛ አስተያየት ከንቱ ኾኖ (ከንቱ ያድርገውና!) ጕባኤው በጥሩ ኹኔታ አብቦ መልካም መዐዛ ቢያወጣልን እንኳ፤ አበባው በራሱ የመጨረሻ ግብ እንዳልኾነ መዘንጋት የለብንም። ከፍሬ ሊደርስ የሚችለው በኹላችን ጥረት ነውና።